Reviews & Press
"This album is brimming with imagination, passion, grit, and fun, and governed by a fundamentally good sense of how to fit together these splendid individual talents. There is, of course, a strong traditional Irish component to Reverie Road’s sound, but other influences and interests are evident, including French, Shetland and chamber music, among others." - Sean Smith, Boston Irish 2024
" The music here reflects the achievements of all involved, but also a collective vision – it is virtuosic, carefully conceived and wonderfully arranged." Daniel Neely, The Irish Echo 2023
"This powerhouse group’s embodiment of refreshingly eclectic Celtic
music is nothing less than a one-of-a-kind gem." - Anita Lock, Irish Music Magazine 2023
"Any fan of Irish music would be chomping at the bit to see them perform without having heard a second of music." - Nick Spacek, The Pitch 2024
Renowned Irish American fiddler Winifred Horan returns to Musician's Spotlight to talk about her most recent project, Reverie Road - Musician's Spotlight, Montana Public Radio 2024
The quartet Reverie Road seems a curious, even improbable combination: three pillars of Irish traditional music — Winifred Horan, John Williams, and Katie Grennan — and Indian-born Utsav Lal, dubbed the “raga pianist” and known for his unique blending of Western and Indian classical music, also incorporating jazz and other contemporary, improvisation-driven forms. - A Q&A with Utsav Lal, Boston Irish 2023